Calia Divani Hip Hop
Divani poltrone e pouf superior collezione divani poltrone e pouf superior calia italia.
Calia divani hip hop. La sua particolare forma lo rende unico sia dal punto di vista estetico che ergonomico. Calia italia colorato comodo disinvolto. Instead of 747 00.
Its particular shape makes it unique both from an aesthetic and ergonomic point of view. Calia italia hip hop premium single module choice. The best seller of the collection hip hop is a true icon of the brand.
Calia italia hip hop multicolor composition. Calia italia hip hop pied de poule composition. Modularity is the word that best describes hip hop calia italia s latest addition to the lo spazio diventa tuo range.
06 78 07 854 email. Calia italia hip hop pied de poule composition. All insegna della modularità e della libertà compositiva si trasforma o cambia configurazione a seconda delle esigenze e dei gusti mescolando sedute chaise longue e pouff.
The best seller of the collection hip hop is a true icon of the brand. Hip hop via tuscolana 228 angolo via veturia 00181 roma rm tel. Thanks to this new project a sofa is no longer static and immutable but it turns into a changing piece of furniture that modifies its configuration to meet every customer s need and taste.
The silhouette of the sofa gives life to a soft curve that combines the seat and the backrest welcoming the body and it is completed with a soft cushion that supports the. Make your own hip hop. I nostri divani moderni calia italia belle epoque hip hop via tuscolana 228 angolo via veturia.
Modularity is the word that best describes hip hop calia italia s latest addition to the lo spazio diventa tuo range. è hip hop il divano componibile di calia italia pensato per vivere lo spazio living con allegria e informalità. The silhouette of the sofa gives life to a soft curve that combines the seat and the backrest welcoming the body and it is completed.
Instead of 6833 97. Instead of 6552 71. Calia italia hip hop multicolor composition.
Make your own hip hop. La silhouette del divano dà vita a una curva morbida che unisce seduta e poggiareni accoglie il corpo e si completa con un soffice cuscino. Thanks to this new project a sofa is no longer static and immutable but it turns into a changing piece of furniture that modifies its configuration to meet every customer s need and taste.
Its particular shape makes it unique both from an aesthetic and ergonomic point of view.